2009年9月28日 星期一

Pineapple Fried Rice

先下蛋在鍋中,快凝固時加上分開的冷飯炒勻,再加入salt, pepper, pineapple,corn, sausage, carrot, or whatever you like.

2009年9月24日 星期四

BBQ Ribs

200F, 2.5 hours, brush favorite BBQ sauce several times on the rib during the baking process.

2009年9月20日 星期日


Catfish + 當歸 +枸杞 + 薑+ 蔥 + 水 + 酒 + 煮熟 = 當歸土虱。。。。very yummy!

2009年9月10日 星期四


My brother-in-law gave us a bag of Orange Chicken from Costco, but kids didn't like their orange sauce, so I made my own sweet & sour sauce with sugar, ketchup and a little bit of vinegar. I also added pepper, pineapple and carrots, maybe tomatoes? I don't really remember.

2009年9月9日 星期三

Breakfast toast

土司塗上奶油,鋪上蕃茄和ham, 烤箱400度烤大約5分鐘,就好了。成品應該是表面脆,下面軟。

2009年9月3日 星期四




  1. 乾鍋炒花椒跟鹽
  2. 將炒好的花椒鹽抹勻在帶骨的雞肉上。
  3. 用保鮮膜包好,放入冷藏幾天。
  4. 抖淨花椒,洗淨多餘的鹽,加點酒,放入蒸鍋。
  5. 蒸好後,用手撕下肉。剩下的雞骨還可以拿來熬雞湯。



Fish is good, but I hated it when I was young. Now, I like it, and our whole family likes it.

I like the whole fish better than fillet, and catfish is one of our favorites ( in the picture, it was 吳郭魚)

Just use green onion, ginger, garlic, wine, soy sauce and water, sugar, cooked for around 20 minutes (depend on the size of the fish), it's not easy to fail. (Steam is good, too)

2009年9月1日 星期二

涼拌Yam Cake

I have no idea what "Yam Cake" is, but I like to use it for 涼拌菜。It's like 粉皮,but it's about 2 to 3 inches thick.

Cut yam cake ( I like to cook one minute in the boiling water), cucumber, and ham into thin strips and add whatever sauce that you like, and done!

2009年8月31日 星期一


In fact, I don't really know what 綠瓜 is. It's light green, 有點葫蘆形,大概跟下手臂一樣長。把子去掉,切條狀,加入 chicken broth, 炒一炒,燜一燜即可。 I like this 瓜的自然甜味。

2009年8月28日 星期五

Beer Cheese Bread

I made it based on the recipe from http://angelandtexas.blogspot.com/2007/10/blog-post_987.html

I used chopped american cheese instead of cheddar cheese ( I don't like cheddar, and my kids like American cheese better because it's not too strong), and I didn't put oregano, basil or chili.

啤酒香,cheese 香,麵香,又不用發半天或用麵包機,比一般麵包省時省電。

2009年8月27日 星期四

貴非所值 有機食品高營假象

貴非所值 有機食品高營假象
(星島)2009年8月27日 星期四 06:30
(星島日報 報道)近年,食物安全問題備受全球關注,《亞洲天然產品博覽2009》於今日開鑼(8月27日至29日),不含人工添加物的有機食品自然大受歡迎。然而,有關有機食品營養問題一直存在不少爭議。早前,英國 有研究報告指,有機與非有機食物的營養價值無重大差別,如此看來,在經濟不景情況下,消費者又是否值得花高幾倍價錢,購買有機食品?
  文:Ann 部分圖片:星島圖片庫
  在生產過程中,除不添加化肥、農藥外,及格認證的有機食品更不含荷爾蒙、雌激素、人造色素及不經基因改造,故不少人視有機食品為追求健康的飲食指標。養和醫院 註冊營養師余思行(右圖)則表示,從營養角度來看,健康飲食講求是否建立多元化模式,進食合適分量,從不同食物中攝取不同營養素,達到均衡飲食,不偏不多自然健康,「正如醫生、營養師亦不會特別建議癌症患者吃有機雞,皆因只要吃得太多動物性脂肪如雞皮,也會增加患癌機會,這和有機與否無關。其實只要懂得均衡飲食,吃非有機食物一樣可以好健康。」
  香港有機資源中心主任黃煥忠教授(右圖)稱,有機食品種類繁多,包括蔬果、乳製品、穀物及肉類等。現時歐美國 家對有機產品的生產,或運送過程經過嚴格監控,採用有機耕種是指不使用化學肥料、除草劑或添加任何人工化學物。然而,有機食品質素亦可以很參差,「泥土是否夠肥沃、肥料是否足夠,以及農民付出的心機等,均可影響食品質素及營養成分。如缺乏以上條件,即使採用有機方法種植,有機農作物的營養素亦可較非有機食品低,而這些因素實在難以檢測。」故此,有機食品究竟是否比非有機食物更有營養,現時實難以下定論。
  早前,英國一份有機食品研究報告被刊登於《美國營養學會期刊》內,註冊營養師劉立儀(右圖)表示,「這期刊是權威性醫學文獻的代表,被刊登之報告均有一定參考價值。有關報告指,研究人員過往從一百六十二個研究中,抽出其中五十五個可信性最高的研究,再作詳細分析,發現有機食品與非有機食物無大差別。」她不反對消費者購買有機食品,但購買時應小心辨別有機認證標籤,如揀選有「USDA Organic」標記的有機產品才購買,以免浪費金錢又得不到應有保障。

2009年8月26日 星期三


Ground pork 1/2 lb + little 蝦米 + little green onion + little 薑屑 + soy sauce.salt.pepper + 1/2 egg + 太白粉 + 3TBS water 拌勻。

糯米半杯洗凈泡半小時以上。肉丸沾上糯米,大火蒸20分。Can make around 20 珍珠丸子

Again, this was learned from 傅培梅食譜。

2009年8月25日 星期二



2009年8月24日 星期一

Something 炒蝦米

太久以前煮的(也不過就3個禮拜前嘛!),老人癡呆的我實在是想不起來當時是potato條還是用白蘿蔔條,因為我兩種好像都用過,應該都不錯。potato 條要先泡水,把澱粉洗掉,會比較脆。

2009年8月19日 星期三

錯用橄欖油 養生不成反傷身

錯用橄欖油 養生不成反傷身
2009-08-19 中國時報 【中央社】  

蕭先生罹患高血壓10多年,平日飲食清淡,健檢發現抗氧化指標及血脂異常,原來家人天天拿不耐高溫的橄欖油來炒煮煎烤,結果吃進比回鍋炸油還糟的劣質油。  聯欣診所院長林美秀今天指出,她原以為蕭先生吃得太油,蕭先生喊冤說自己30歲出頭就高血壓,而且馬上戒菸,經常運動,家裡油炸食物從不上桌,如今知道家人拿橄欖油來炒菜煎魚,不但糟蹋好油,還吃出問題。  蕭太太在營養師建議下,改用發煙點216度的葡萄籽油來炒煮煎烤,發煙點約120度的特級冷壓橄欖油來涼拌食物或沾麵包,1個月之後,蕭先生的丙二醛(MDA)指數從2.2降到正常的1.1,幾個月之後,再降到0.54,三酸甘油酯檢查也正常。  林美秀說,丙二醛指數是一種細胞抗氧化能力的指標,當人吃進太多回鍋油、油炸物等自由基,或經常曝曬在強烈紫外線、過量電磁波的環境中,丙二醛指數就會升高,此時身體可能未病,但已有血管硬化等警訊。  她指出,日前麥當勞等速食炸油不合格事件沸沸揚揚,民眾以為減少外食就可避免,但是聯安預防醫學機構分析1342人的健檢報告,有7成的丙二醛指數偏高,他們常見的錯誤用油觀念就是錯用橄欖油,這是另一種「食」油危機。  林美秀提醒,外食族在挑選食物時,以蒸、滷的菜色取代油炸品,居家烹調則依烹飪方式選擇不同油品,愛吃零食及甜點的民眾,少吃酥油或反式脂肪的餅乾糕點,可以羊羹、紅豆湯、蒸蛋糕等中式甜品代替。980819


I followed 培梅飯盒菜 to make this.

2009年8月17日 星期一


Sometimes, in order to make 青菜 more attractive, I will put some ham or 甜不辣 with it. Ha and Hee are not big fans of 青菜, but they don't refuse to eat it. I give them a little every day, so they get used to eating the vegetables.

2009年8月14日 星期五




1. 椰子油熱後,放半個切丁的桃子,蔥,跟一點番茄炒,等成泥狀,加入兩匙醬油,一匙糖,跟一小匙烏醋,讓醬汁稍滾,或入黑橄欖泥跟一點香油,離火備用。(如果家裡有果汁機,可以用打的,我家的壞掉,一直沒買,所以就用煮的)

2. 用滾水煮義大利麵,之後沖涼水。上面倒上其一的醬汁。





Marinated beef, pork, chicken; mushroom, orange, and pinapple, or anything you can think of. 串起來烤一烤就行了。The good part of this dish is that when the kids eat one roll, they eat many different kinds of meats already.

2009年8月11日 星期二

Frozen "Yogurt"

I meant real yogurt, not frozen yogurt (like ice cream)

I put boxes of yogurt into the freezer for 2 hours, and it tasted good especially in a hot day like today. Good snack idea!


I like 嘉嘉牌的餛飩。 餛飩煮好後,撈起,用同一鍋水煮麵。麵煮好,撈起沖涼,分入碗中。另一個小鍋用雞湯燒開,加入青菜,餛飩,蛋皮。餛飩湯加在麵上,再淋上一些海苔,就好了。

2009年8月10日 星期一


I used pancake mix to make the pancakes, very easy, not complicated at all. The only thing is that I need to find a proper 湯匙 to put the mix into the pot. I found a good one, so every pancake can have the same size and shape for better presentation.

2009年7月27日 星期一

Lemon, Orange, Honey Juice

I used to make Lemon & Honey juice, but since one time, I added orange juice in, I loved it. Usually, I put one lemon, 2 or 3 oranges, good amount of honey and water. It is the drink that we always have in our fridge.

2009年7月24日 星期五

傷身!吃一碗泡麵 等於喝65c.c.醬油

TVBS 更新日期:2009/07/24 19:11 張倍綺





2009年7月16日 星期四

Pork Rib

This big plate of Pork Rib was just little over $4 when Lucky was on sale.

The main point of this entry is to introduce the sauce: Kinder's Mild BBQ Sauce. We got it from Costco as 2-pack package because Ha and Hee had to have it after they 試吃。It was good with beef, hamburger meat, pork or chicken. I usually used a little sauce to marinate the meat, and brushed it on the meat when I baked them in the oven, and kids like its taste very much. I like it, too.

2009年7月10日 星期五

Hidden Treasure - borwn rice

We all know that brown rice is good, and I tried to use it before, but it's not well accepted by Stephen and kids. My new method is to use white and brown rice, 3:1, and they haven't complained about it yet. (I have used it for few months.)

2009年7月2日 星期四

Udon Noodle

This was the only thing that my kids agreed to eat when they were sick these few weeks.
It's very easy to make: chicken broth, water, salt, carrots,甜不辣,大白菜,cook for a while and add in Udon noodles and cook for one more minute, and it's done!
Sometimes, I also add meat, 貢丸,cucumber, 蛋花,mushroom...., whatever I have in the fridge.

2009年6月30日 星期二


No photo, because I couldn't wait to taste it!

In the afternoon, I marinated the ground beef first using beer (not too much), bbq sauce, salt, pepper, onions cut into tiny small pieces and a little soy sauce. I left it in the fridge for about 2 hours.

Around dinner time, I patted the ground beef into round shape and grilled them. At the meantime, I grilled the buns for 1 or 2 minutes until they were soft but crisp.

Ha liked cheese burger, so I put the cheese in between bun and meat while they were still very hot. Hee didn't like melted cheese, so he got meat and bun, and he put the cheese in later by himself. I put tomato and lettuce into the bun with meat for Stepehen and me, and I thought that it tasted great.

2009年6月29日 星期一


絲瓜稍炒一下,加入貢丸,雞湯罐頭,蔥,水,和whatever調味you want, 煮一下就好了。 It's good to eat on hot summer days.

2009年6月26日 星期五


If the Apple is not very sweet, I will put some 梅子粉, and it tastes great. It also tastes great with peppers.

2009年6月24日 星期三

瓜甜不甜 外皮.蒂頭漏玄機

瓜甜不甜 外皮.蒂頭漏玄機

更新日期:2009/06/19 00:14

華視新聞前兩天教你如何用拍打的方式來挑選好吃的西瓜,今天再教您,其實從西瓜的外表就可以看得出來喔,選蒂頭捲曲,紋路整齊的就對了。   路邊一整車西瓜,到底哪一顆才是好瓜,賣西瓜三十幾年的陳先生,用看的就看得出來。西瓜底部的圈圈,越小越好,切開來看,果然,果肉又紅又紮實。相反 的,底部圈圈越大皮越厚越難吃,切開證實,不但不夠紅,還帶點白白的肉,明顯甜度大扣分。除了看西瓜底,也要看西瓜頭,就是所謂的蒂頭,如果是直直的一條 線,不要,如果是捲曲圈起來的,馬上買。還有西瓜紋路和顏色,紋路整齊就是好瓜,如果花紋亂七八糟,裡面肯定也是一團糟,顏色呢,最好挑青綠色,不要拿霧 霧白白的瓜,掌握瓜頭捲,瓜尾小,瓜紋正,和瓜色綠這四大原則,保證你用看的就能買到滿意的瓜。(記者廖學賢、吳昭君、楊宗穎報導)
本則新聞由華視新聞提供 2009/06/19


Last time, I cooked 海帶湯,but it's not highly acceptable to the kids. Then, I tried 涼拌海帶, and kids like it much better.

泡軟,煮一下,切絲, 用醬油,麻油,糖,蒜,一點醋拌一拌就好了。

2009年6月22日 星期一



把平常切下的蔬菜根,不要的葉子(連沙拉最外面不要的葉子都可以),根莖葉的頭跟尾,放到冷凍庫冰,等一星期到了或是積到一包,就拿出來準備來煮高湯。如果有fennel上面不要的葉子也可以一起放進去。我的做法是沒有鹽的,如果你放鹽也行,不過最好最後放。做法超簡單的,一大鍋水,把所有的切剩的材料放進去,加上胡椒粒,一片bay leaf,半棵大蒜,一起煮到天荒地老,等湯汁變成茶色,之後過濾掉所有菜葉。等湯冷後,分別放入盒中進冰凍庫。最好的容器是製冰盒,不過我家沒有,我就用玻璃或者不要的豆腐盒。

2009年6月11日 星期四


韭菜was very cheap in Spring, so I like to cook this dish. (just adding a little soy sauce and sugar as 調味)

2009年6月9日 星期二


I cooked Seaweed Soup very often when we lived in Milpitas; however, after we moved here, I almost never cooked it because I just totally forgot about it.

海帶泡軟,與排骨,薑,蔥同煮湯 is good. Kids didn't like it very much because it didn't have too much flavor, but Stephen likes it. I'll try to 涼拌 or 紅燒with 小排骨; hopefully, it will be more acceptable to kids.

6/9/09 -- 韓國炒粉絲


使用的粉絲是紅薯粉絲(Sweet Potato Vermicelli), 韓國和中國超市均有。

-- 將牛肉(sirloin steak)切條並調味,醃三十分鐘。
-- 將紅薯粉絲在沸水煮約五分鐘至軟,過冷水後瀝乾。
-- 炒牛肉至變色,加入香菇絲、紅蘿蔔細條和洋蔥絲炒兩分鐘,然後加入切好(約兩吋長)的菠菜一起炒至菠菜熟。
-- 加入紅薯粉絲,並以醬油、黑胡椒粉、鹽及麻油調味,炒一分鐘。


2009年6月8日 星期一


I made the 12345排骨, but I gave it a little makeover: To add some carrots in when the 排骨 was almost ready, and 先燙青江菜,鋪在盤子裡肉下面, 菜會吸到一些肉汁,味道不錯。12345 排骨做法請看:http://happyfamilyandfriendskitchen.blogspot.com/2008/11/12345.html

2009年6月4日 星期四

Honey Mustard

I like honey mustard dressing very much, but I'm the only one who likes honey mustard in my house, but I still like it very much.

2009年6月3日 星期三


先炒青江菜和香腸丁,然後加點鹽,加到白米裡加水煮熟。 I am thinking that if I add some chicken broth instead of water, will it be more flavorful?
I was surprised that Ha and Hee didn't complain about adding the green vege to the rice. They do eat green veges, but they are not their favorites.

2009年6月2日 星期二



Kids ate fish, and adults ate bitter melon.

2009年6月1日 星期一


Long time ago, I heard people saying that eating the 醃青蘿蔔 and drinking its juice is good at minimizing the coughing, so I made it for Stephen because he coughed.

醃青蘿蔔was not using the salt; instead, it uses honey. Slicing 青蘿蔔 into small pieces, and marinating it with honey. It tasted 甜和辣。Adding some warm water to the juice and drinking it helps to minimize the coughing.

2009年5月29日 星期五


Carrots, mushroom, 甜豆,broccoli,中國香腸:都先燙過,再加一點鹽或醬油快炒一下。

2009年5月28日 星期四


I had some leftover "green letter"水磨糯米粉, but I was not good at wrapping the red bean paste in the 嘛糬, so I was lazy at making the 嘛糬. Finally, I got an idea. I got some 花生粉, so I made the 嘛糬 following the recipe. Instead of wrapping the bean paste inside, I dipped the 嘛糬 in the 花生粉 to make 花生嘛糬. It was good!

2009年5月27日 星期三

Banana Pudding Pie

現成的Pie皮,放上banana and instant pudding(follow instruction, need to add milk) (no sugar, no fat) 即可。

後來我又作一次,用graham cracker and butter 烤一下墊在下面當pie皮,然後鋪上banana 和instant vanila pudding 一層,banana 再一層,chocolate pudding 一層, 也不錯。

2009年5月26日 星期二


豆腐干,青豆,香菇,肉,金針菇(kids like it, but I don't like it in this dish) 加上甜麵醬炒。小朋友喜歡用這個拌飯吃,可是我覺得跟我爸做的不像,所以後來去請教.

我爸意見:甜麵醬要加水; 甜麵醬要先爆香 (“炸”醬); 加一點榨菜末。

2009年5月20日 星期三


Regular 蔥油餅皮做法。 炒香蔥,韭菜,ham, 包進皮裡,壓一壓,醒一醒,桿一桿,煎一煎,就好了。我喜歡煮綠豆稀飯配餅。

2009年5月19日 星期二

Carrot Cake

參考http://www.euphocafe.com/recipe/recipe.asp?rid=362食譜, but I made some adjustments to fit our family's taste

I used mainly carrots, but I also added a little bit of red yam. It will be more moisturized after baking. I added half cup of sugar and oil instead of one cup.

It's a good idea to put cakes in the ice cream cup because it tasted better. 冰淇淋杯先烤一下比較香脆。

I made 16 mini ice cream cup cakes in the cones and 12 cup cakes with the ingredients listed before I went to the church to practice the songs on Sunday at 3:30pm. Kids and Stephen went to the church at 5pm. When we came home, I found that there were only 2 mini ice cream cup cakes left. Very popular and nutritious snack, and it's not hard to make at all!



2009年5月12日 星期二


I cooked this dish few weeks ago, and I hardly remembered it. When I saw the photo, I zoomed in and studied it for a while, but I still couldn't remember that I ever cooked tomato with mushroom before. Finally, I found that underneath the red and black topping, there's a piece of white fish fillet.

2009年5月7日 星期四


Mom brought a bag of 櫻花蝦 from Taiwan, and I sprinkled it over the 炒青江菜, good!

2009年5月4日 星期一


Corn+ marinated ground pork + sliced mushroom + green onion + a little bit of soy sauce: 炒一炒,Done!

2009年5月1日 星期五



2009年4月30日 星期四



2009年4月29日 星期三


This time, I tried to add some Avocado into the salad with lemon/honey dressing; however, Ha and Hee didn't like avocado at all. They were a little bit ok with guacamole, but not plain avocado.

2009年4月28日 星期二

Yogurt Cupcakes

A: 3/4 cups of milk; 1/4 cups of butter or vege oil; 2 eggs; 1 small container of strawberry yogurt
B: 2 cups of flour; 1/2 cups or less brown sugar; 2tsp baking soda;1/2tsp of salt
A mix; B mix, add B to A ......350 F, 20 minutes
I read few different recipes and combined them to get my own. Strawberry is in season right now, so we ate with whipped toppings and strawberries. Kids also put some sparkles on the cupcakes.
I also made a banana yogurt cake for our church's bakery sales and for our house. The one for our house was finished in one day. That one only needs little sugar because its sweetness came from 3 bananas and 2 cans of yogurt.

2009年4月23日 星期四

Strawberry Smoothie

Rinse Strawberry well and cut it into smaller pieces. Put them in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours.
Put them in the blander with little warm milk. When they defrost a little, add cold milk and honey. Bland well and pour into cups. Put the cups into the freezer for about 10 to 15 minutes. Enjoy with spoon.

2009年4月21日 星期二





Stephen不喜歡菜脯,要不然放菜脯instead of 醬瓜也可以。

2009年4月17日 星期五

烤pork rib

先把pork rib放袋子裡加喜歡的醬料放冰箱醃一天。上面刷一點烤肉醬(Hee 去McDonlds'的nugget,他不喜歡BBQ sauce,所以我留回家用)。 450F, 30分鐘。烤完再順長骨頭切開。Sometimes, Lucky or Safeway have different kinds of meat on sale, and it's cheaper and fresher to buy.


醃好的肉片,金針菇,豆腐干 加蔥末,一點醬油,3分鐘上菜。

2009年4月13日 星期一




  • 放一塊奶油跟橄欖油(奶油對素咖哩很重要,所以一定要)放入洋蔥,大蒜跟大蔥(leek)炒香
  • 加入一點印度咖哩粉一起炒香,加水或高湯(葷素皆可)。我覺得加了印度咖哩真的會香很多。
  • 放入Turnips, Chantenay Carrots,Parsley Root,馬鈴薯 和 一小把Soup celery
  • 煮到根莖類軟,加點鹽(可省),一點蜂蜜,日式咖哩塊跟一小塊苦巧克力,再用小火煮一下。

2009年4月9日 星期四




做法;把甜菜根切小塊放在高湯裡,加上一個star anis(這是網上教的,可以去土味),用中小火煮個三十到四十分鐘,之後放入小螺旋義大利麵跟一小塊奶油,等麵快好時,下蔬菜(我是用 Braising Mix)。





2009年4月8日 星期三

4/8/09 -- 三杯雞





2009年4月7日 星期二


Last week, I tried Pork Livers, and this week, I'll try pork kidney.

2009年4月6日 星期一


When I made 麵食, I like to have it go with the 綠豆稀飯. Kids like to add a little sugar in it, and we like to add a little bit of sugar in it.

I put 綠豆, 五轂米,薏仁,水,用蒸或燜燒鍋燜。

2009年4月3日 星期五


This one was very good!
