2009年4月3日 星期五


This one was very good!


2009年4月2日 星期四


燙麵皮,裡面包深綠的有毛的瓜,切成小丁,拌鹽出水,和絞肉,egg, 調味料混合。煎熟。

改進心得: 皮不能太薄,煎時容易破(也不能太厚,不好吃)。 瓜最好刨絲,才不會太硬,戳破皮。

2009年3月31日 星期二


I'll try this today, and I'll keep you posted about the outcome.


It was good and tender, except that I didn't use the sauce that the chef suggested because I am not used to using the black vinegar.

Stephen and I liked it, but Ha and Hee were not very fond of the pork livers. Ha only ate 5 pieces, and Hee only ate 2. ABCs! No wonder it was cheap in the U.S. I don't think that I will buy it often, but I will buy it for them to try from time to time in case some day, they change their taste bud and start liking the pork livers.

Costco 雞

Monday,I got a roasted chicken from Costco (less than $5), and I made many dishes with it. First day, I cut some meat out of it, and we ate meat only. Then, I used its bone to make soup with 大白菜和粉絲。The next 2 days, I made salad with 雞絲。 One was with cucumber, carrots and grape; the other was with orange, 生菜 and grape. My kids like to have some fruits in the salad.

2009年3月30日 星期一


Ha and Hee like to eat 酒釀湯圓,so I decided to make the 酒釀 myself because I heard that it's not hard to make. I searched the recipe online, and there were so many different version, so I chose one of them. Here it is: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/m1691684/article?mid=168

It took about 3 or 4 days to get it done, and this morning, I cooked 酒釀湯圓, Ha said that it's good, and Hee had 2 bowls of the soup, so I guessed that I did a good job at making the 酒釀. It's not hard at all.

I bought "金X花生湯圓”, but I didn't like it very much. 好幾顆湯圓都會漏餡,皮也不太Q,下次不買這一牌了。