2008年12月11日 星期四


又是超級懶人餐. 湯底可用貢丸, 蝦丸, 或已醃過的肉片煮出味. 內加青菜, 隨個人各家喜愛,稍燙即可. 重點是麵要用另一個鍋煮七分熟再加入防止湯變稠. 起鍋時加少許油蔥酥, 很香.
此道簡單, 清淡, 又可吃進大量水煮青菜.

2008年12月10日 星期三

Cheese Pasta

Personally, I don't like cheese or cheesy creamy smell, so I won't cook this kind of food for myself or Stephen; however, since my kids love this kind of food, I have an alternative way to do it. I bought boxes of pasta with different flavors of cheese packs (Pasta Roni) from Lucky or Target whichever was on sale, and then, I add some vegetables or meat or shrimps to the pasta, and Ha and Hee could finish one box in a meal, and Stephen and I could eat what we like to eat.

2008年12月9日 星期二


Costco 的魚片, mushroom and small tomato pieces, add a little salt and pepper, wrapped by foil, and bake 400 degrees till the fish is done.

2008年12月8日 星期一

Chicken Nugget Salad

Chicken nugget, Texas orange, red lettuce, and mayonnaise.