2010年8月11日 星期三


這是一道“彈盡援絕”的料理。In summer, two kids are always with me; and sometimes, they liked to stay home and played and refused to go shopping with me for groceries. Luckily, there were always something in the fridge that I can make creative dishes with when the fridge was almost empty.

We don't usually eat 香腸because it's not very healthy; however, when 彈盡援絕, I remembered that I had 香腸 in my freezer that people gave to us a while ago.


2010年8月10日 星期二

Pasta Salad

其實本來也不是要做這個。只是午餐的pasta 煮太多了。
把多出來的pasta 過冷水,加上油拌一下。晚餐時加入假蟹肉,生菜,芹菜屑,一點cheese,和ranch dressing,就變一道salad 了。