2009年9月3日 星期四




  1. 乾鍋炒花椒跟鹽
  2. 將炒好的花椒鹽抹勻在帶骨的雞肉上。
  3. 用保鮮膜包好,放入冷藏幾天。
  4. 抖淨花椒,洗淨多餘的鹽,加點酒,放入蒸鍋。
  5. 蒸好後,用手撕下肉。剩下的雞骨還可以拿來熬雞湯。



Fish is good, but I hated it when I was young. Now, I like it, and our whole family likes it.

I like the whole fish better than fillet, and catfish is one of our favorites ( in the picture, it was 吳郭魚)

Just use green onion, ginger, garlic, wine, soy sauce and water, sugar, cooked for around 20 minutes (depend on the size of the fish), it's not easy to fail. (Steam is good, too)

2009年9月1日 星期二

涼拌Yam Cake

I have no idea what "Yam Cake" is, but I like to use it for 涼拌菜。It's like 粉皮,but it's about 2 to 3 inches thick.

Cut yam cake ( I like to cook one minute in the boiling water), cucumber, and ham into thin strips and add whatever sauce that you like, and done!

2009年8月31日 星期一


In fact, I don't really know what 綠瓜 is. It's light green, 有點葫蘆形,大概跟下手臂一樣長。把子去掉,切條狀,加入 chicken broth, 炒一炒,燜一燜即可。 I like this 瓜的自然甜味。