2009年6月11日 星期四


韭菜was very cheap in Spring, so I like to cook this dish. (just adding a little soy sauce and sugar as 調味)

2009年6月9日 星期二


I cooked Seaweed Soup very often when we lived in Milpitas; however, after we moved here, I almost never cooked it because I just totally forgot about it.

海帶泡軟,與排骨,薑,蔥同煮湯 is good. Kids didn't like it very much because it didn't have too much flavor, but Stephen likes it. I'll try to 涼拌 or 紅燒with 小排骨; hopefully, it will be more acceptable to kids.

6/9/09 -- 韓國炒粉絲


使用的粉絲是紅薯粉絲(Sweet Potato Vermicelli), 韓國和中國超市均有。

-- 將牛肉(sirloin steak)切條並調味,醃三十分鐘。
-- 將紅薯粉絲在沸水煮約五分鐘至軟,過冷水後瀝乾。
-- 炒牛肉至變色,加入香菇絲、紅蘿蔔細條和洋蔥絲炒兩分鐘,然後加入切好(約兩吋長)的菠菜一起炒至菠菜熟。
-- 加入紅薯粉絲,並以醬油、黑胡椒粉、鹽及麻油調味,炒一分鐘。


2009年6月8日 星期一


I made the 12345排骨, but I gave it a little makeover: To add some carrots in when the 排骨 was almost ready, and 先燙青江菜,鋪在盤子裡肉下面, 菜會吸到一些肉汁,味道不錯。12345 排骨做法請看:http://happyfamilyandfriendskitchen.blogspot.com/2008/11/12345.html