2010年5月10日 星期一


I love dumplings, but I'm tired of eating those frozen dumplings sold in the market because they were too oily and too much meat inside. Therefore, I wrapped the dumplings myself. So far, I have tried 白菜肉餡, 韭菜豆腐乾肉餡, 菠菜豆腐乾冬菇肉餡, but the best of all is 瓠(hou)子肉餡。

Marinate the ground pork with green onion, ginger, black pepper, soy sauce, wine and little bit of sasame oil. 用手用力同方向攪拌,再加上一點水再攪拌, 靜置冰箱30分。Sometimes, I would also buy 3 or 4 shrimps and mix with the meat.
料切細,會出水的蔬菜像白菜,韭菜,先加鹽醃一會讓它出水後擰乾,再與其他料及肉混合,稍微再調味一下。I like to put it back to the frige again for few minutes before I wrap it, but it's not necessary.

Next time, I will try 菠菜 or 韭菜粉絲。
